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At long last The Business Marketing Book that covers topics like IT IS HOW YOU SELL,IT IS WHAT YOU SELL,MARKETING RESEARCH amongst other topics.Let this online e-book show you how to gain market share and how to sell.Buy the book here ACCESS BOOK BUY USED CARS VIEW CAR STOCK
The damnation of an individual or mankind is not an easy thing.There is a cure for the ddamned.Damnation has a cycle or a patternnYou have to want to break that cycle.There are families that cannot hold a marriage ti the fourth and sixh generations.There are families tthat live in shelters to the fifth generations and families troubled by many misfortunes to the nexr generation.First of all you've go want to break that cycle or to get out of it.Where there is a will there is a way.Taken from the online e-book The Cure For Damed View Store Donate to author DONATE BUY USED VEHICLES View Vehicle Stock
There are four distinctive billionaire strategies that have been detected as of now.One of them is The Enforce Market Share Strategy.In the 80s Richard Branson launched Virgin Atlantic Airlines.He found the British Airways competition very hard and tough.Branson then embarked on a global hot air ballon ride.The ballon crashed half way across the trip but the world media had noticed the inscription on top of the hot ballon 'Fly Virgin Atlantic Airlines'. Within no time Virgin had a new market share inside the aviation multi billion dollar industry.Buy the online e-book with all four strategies here BUY EBOOK THE CHEAPEST SAFE WAY TO SEND MONEY ABROAD START HERE BUY SUED CARS VIEW CAR STOCK
Billionaire Strategies is a four chapter online e-book that describes four billionaire strategies including Enforcing Market Share the strategy used by Richard Brandon when he started Virgin Airlines in the 80s.You enforce an entry into an already existing industry.To compete with British Airways Brandon embarked on a hot air ball on ride crash landed half way through but the major media houses of the world had noticed the hot air ball on with the inscription Fly Virgin Atlantic Airlines.Virgin entered the multi billion dollar aviation market share using a not so safe strategy.Access the online book here Gain Access BUY USED CARS VIEW CAR STOCK
My English language is not at all preposterous No I can pronounce the word rhinoceros My English language finds the mannerism of cute My English language finds the hard say of brute
My English language travels across the seas My English language My English language hears the captives' pleas My English language makes us all one Through common ground we become one
My English language made George Orwell a hero My English language made William Shakespeare the hero My English language can make me sublime Through an art only I can mime
My English language has no boundaries All I can see are open doors and foundries My English language is not daunted It describes a movie scene that is haunted
My English language is a king's space Illeterate,illiterate you lose the race My English language is an eloquent paradise It can produce men so wise
My English language is an expression wonderland My English language is an epitome highland My English language is a fast man's project The better you speak it,the more you will win the object
My English language is a writer's delicacy My English language has gives utterance to the episcopacy (My English Language is a very long online poem,get it here with bonus poems BUY EBOOK DONATE to poet DONATE BUY USED CARS VIEW CAR STOCK
As a writer William Shakespeare found his better place As an athlete Jesse Owens won the race We all have a better place A place where we find our own space That better place is you That better place will see you through
You take drugs because you cannot find a better place You want a false high because the truth you cannot face In my better place I'm already high I don't need the high drugs to get by A false high is dangerous and abrupt A natural high,glory will erupt
Help me to find my better place Help me to win life's race Working on a better place is always bitter sweet The high you feel is always so sweet No matter how long it takes No matter how many mistakes it takes Find a better place and life will give you many hugs Find a better place and stop abusing drugs THE END DRUG ABUSE INITIATIVE DONATE TAKEN FROM THE E-BOOK POEMS OF HUMANITY BUY EBOOK BUY USED CARS View Stock
P.S The long version of the poem My English Language and bonus poems like Konichiwa Japan is available here VIEW DETAILS Poems Of Humanity is an online e-book that features poems like Vienna,America The Gun Society, Life Has No Colour,A Good Woman,Equality and lots more.Sample just a part of the poem VIENNA Have you seen her from the top? To gaze at her you will not stop Her very rare architecture Which no one can manufacture Vienna will you not rebuild all time and space Vienna will you not make the world a better place
Her creative thoughts are exciting Her landmark features are inviting...continues. Access the entire e-book BUY EBOOK Donate to author DONATE THE STOP DRUG ABUSE INITIATIVE View Details THE CRIME REDUCTION INITIATIVE View Details BUY USED CARS View Stock
Guns in the alleys Guns in the valleys Guns on the street Guns where people meet America The Gun Society
Guns. in the hands of the little ones Guns in the hand of the big Ones Who said that gun must fight gun? Who said that pen cannot reason with gun? America The gun Society
Guns in the skies Guns in inside human cries His first toy is a gun His last breath is a gun America The Gun Society
Guns in the briefcase Guns in the suitcase Guns in the market Poem continues in the timely online read e-book POEMS OF HUMANITY BUY EBOOK Donate to author DONATE Open IBAN international bank account and transfer money cheaper View Details BUY USED CARS View Vehicle Stock
Let us face it everyone wants a life full of pleasure.I am reaching your inner most thoughts and desires.I have used the word ™pleasure™ as a metaphor for a better life.There eight distinct processes in achieving the law of pleasure.The first one is change or the desire for change.THE LAW OF PLEASURE is a four chapter online e-book that will grant you a much better life free from the pain of lack and the ability to fight the pain of sickness. Access the e-book here BUY EBOOK Donate to author DONATE OPEN AN INTERNATIONAL BANK ACCOUNT AND TRANSFER MONEY ABROAD USING CHEAPEST Rates Gain Access BUY USED CARS View Vehicles
The black man was set free from slavery on the 1st day of January 1863.Inspire of this the black man was not totally free.There are many 30 year patterns in the freeing of the black man.In the 30s Jesse Owens the athlete won four gold medals in front of Adolf Hitler.In the 60s thirty years later Berry Gordy started Motown Records and soul music gave the black man identity and respect all over the world.Now is the time for the black man.The e-book The Final Freedom Of The Black Man describes all 30 year patterns including the 90 s 2 PAC and black record label era plus the topic,The Three Developmental Stages Of The Black Man.Buy the online e-book here BUY BOOKDONATE OPEN A FREE INTERNATIONAL USD and EURO bank account IBAN and make transfers at the cheapest rates VIEW DETAILS BUY USED CARS View Car Stock
The golden age of the arts is here.In the 80s and 90s a musician needed a big record deal to make it in the music industry.Today a musician needs creativity in the studio and online.Music,film,books, you name it we are now in the golden age of the arts 2021 onwards. THE ARTISTIC PERSON GOLDEN AGE is an audio book that explains HOW TO COME UP WITH A HIT SONG,MOVIE,Book etc and how to market.This audio book is good for the entire arts industry including film,music producers,musicians,record labels,authors etc.Get the audio book here
Many people do not stop to think that the best health solutions are all around them.Welcome to Natural Health Solutions.The following diseases and more can be treated through natural health solutions. A.TREATMENT FOR CORONA VIRUS. 1.Boil some water and pour some of it into a drinking cup and the rest inside a bucket. 2.Place the bucket of hot water on the floor in between your feet.Put a big towel or blanket on top of your head.Make sure that the steam from the bucket enters your eyes and nostrils for 10 minutes.Repeat this process once or twice a day for three days. 3.At the same time drink the hot water in cup slowly. 4.This treatment will kill the corona virus inside and outside the body.
B.TREATEMENT OF LOW BLOOD LEVELS AND IRCULATION IN THE BODY. Your blood is your life.Low blood levels result in you getting tired,weak,having headaches and losing weight.The following treatment is not for blood lost through accidents.It works for blood lost due to other reasons inside the body. 1.Buy the best quality orange juice. 2.Drink a glass or two of orange juice for three weeks. 3.After the three weeks drink as when desired. 4.Repeat this remedy after every 6 months at the most.The levels in your blood will increase and health will return to you again. Access The Natural Health Clinic.$25 will grant you a lifetime online access with regular updates to the clinic sections.Access here DONATE to Natural Health Solutions 40 here
A hit song is a hit song,there is no other way of expaining it,either it's hit material or it's not.Most artsits,producers and songwriters just need one hit to get the ball rolling and or yes,to even retire if the song is big enough.There are many tangible ways for songwriters,composers,musicians,singers and music producers to come up with a hit song. 1.THE STRONG OR RELEVANT LYRICS APPROACH A strong lyric is able to move people.I WANT TO KNOW WHAT LOVE IS by Foreigner.Man In The Mirror By Michael Jackson.Brothers In Arms By Dire Straits.This approach is for the sure of himself songwriter because sometimes deep,strong lyrics are not good enough to win the hearts of people,but if you have it,the strong lyric,USE IT! 2.THE RECOGNISABLE TUNE APPROACH The tune in the song Another Day In Paradise by Phil Collins besides the good singing of the singer made that song a recognisable world wide hit.Instrumentalists have a role to play in creating hit songs.Listen to the song Urgent By Foreigner,that almost haunting saxophone or the signature saxaphone sound of UB40's first hit song FOOD FOR THOUGHT,that is what makes a hit song in the department of very good song tunes.This works,just sit down and get the feel of it.The music industry needs hits and listeners want hits.A new audio is for singers,musicians,music producers,songwriters,book authors,actors,fine art people,movie producers, composers and so on..The audio book gives finer details on coming up with a hit song,movie and book.That is not all.How to market your content is also another feature inside the audio book.Taken from the audio book THE ARTISTIC PERSON GOLDEN AGE :) THE CHEAPEST WAY TO SEND MONEY ABROAD 8-) GET PAID TO PLAY GAMES AND WATCH VIDEOS